ChairmAn's Reports
The Oxted & District History Society (ODHS) was formally established on 24 November 1960 with Major R.H. Leveson-Gower of Titsey Place, Oxted (pictured above), as its first President and Mr W. J. C. Gill BA AKC as its chairman.
Chairman's Annual Report
Chairman's Annual Report
Each year the chairman, who serves a three year term of office, presents a report to the Annual General Meeting (which is chaired by the President). The report is re-produced on this web site and in the Society's annual newsletter. At the end of three years the Chairman is succeeded by the Vice Chairman (and a new Vice Chairman elected).
Copies of the Chairman's annual reports from recent years and a list of some past presidents and chairman can be found on the pages listed on the menu at the top of this this page.